Tuesday, November 07, 2006

10,000 WORDS!

WOOHOO!!! *dances*


This is so cool! I'm so happy and I ended right on schedule and on a happy note. *wub*

But kind of stumped how I'm going to drag this out for another 40,000 words...I mean. Well, *blink* doesn't "so and so got captured" get old after a while?

I'm not sure what to do next. I was planning for an end of them escaping to Canada or something. :\ But that would come too soon.

What I could do is have them move to a different state or Country (Yay Canada!!! hehe, I'm Canadian, it's gettin' in there somehow...) and have them work on US stuff from there. Hm. *unsure*


Anonymous said...

(Hey this is sweet.. I don't have to be blogspotted in order to comment on your stuff.)

Hey Candy,

I don't know nuttin' 'bout your bookie but from the sounds of it, that couple and Ava are going to split all together. My unknowledgable, unexperienced, unwise advice: It's rather unrealistic to have a group of people escape together and stick together as they move to another country. I don't know the circumstances but I think it would be more emotionally involving if you have Ava be on her own for part/most (whatever the circumstance is) of the story. It makes the reader feel obligated to stick with her because otherwise she would be utterly alone and uncared for (at least that's what our subconious minds might think..dunno).

Just a thought.



Noelle said...

Sorry, Julia, ain't happening. ;)

She has already been on her own for two years afte she fought in a war and she is only eighteen.

But thanks for commenting! :D